
Pea Patch

Pea PatchOn the campus of ELC, we have a “Community Pea Patch” each spring and summer, complete with all kinds of healthy vegetables. Tomatoes, corn, carrots, a variety of lettuces, squash, etc… This lovely garden is cared for by our volunteer groundskeepers, several of whom have earned the prestigious title of Master Gardener. Our team tills the soil, plants, tends the garden until everything ripens, and then it is harvested to be used in Annie’s Community Kitchen. It is certainly a labor of love and one more way that ELC is working to build a sense of community and belonging in our neighborhood.

Our gardeners are eager to share their skills, so if you would like the opportunity to learn now to dig in the soil, you are certainly welcome!

If you would like to be involved in caring for the Pea Patch, contact Pete Wolcott at Pete_Wolcott@yahoo.com