Open Door Ministries

OPEN DOOR MINISTRIES will be conducting a 3 week adult forum series at Edmonds Lutheran Church on 3 Sundays: March 30th, May 4th, and June 22nd at 9:30 am during our Adult Forum/Sunday School Hour. All are welcome to come and hear what this important Lutheran Ministry is doing to welcome everyone into the Family of God.

GAY Ministry – Open Door Ministries is committed to non-judgmental support of gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender, and intersex persons as they seek to integrate the sexual, relational, and spiritual components of their lives within their faith. We offer consultation and support to those in the coming out process. We assist families and loved ones of gay individuals as they struggle with their own questions, concerns, and needs.

 HIV/AIDS HEALTH Ministry – Open Door Ministries provides pastoral care and support to persons with HIV/AIDS, their families and friends, as they deal with questions, decisions, and personal needs.  This support may be in the form of individual counseling sessions, hospital visits, classes or works shops.

Open Door also works with other health related issues that individuals might face.

 CONGREGATIONAL Ministry- Open Door Ministries encourages and supports the Church and its members as they address issues of human sexuality and Biblical interpretations. We provide congregational presentations and preaching, adult forums, workshops, and seminars.


Week 1: Gay 101

Week 2: What the scriptures say about homosexuality

Week 3: Stories and Stereotypes